When you renew your license after 70 days, you
have the option to go through all the modules again for a refresher. The last
module serves as a follow-up module. You will also have access to the sleep
journal, your sleep window and bedtime restriction again. You can restart and
repeat the individual training modules as often as you like. In addition, your
previous training success and all previous data will remain in your somnio
account even after the license renewal.
In short: You will have access to all content
for another 70 days.
Since sleep problems sometimes persist for a
longer period of time, this makes sense for users who have not yet achieved the
desired training success after the first 70 days.
The license extension does not unlock any new
content. However, you can build on your previous progress and use the training
to your advantage to further deepen your knowledge, which is particularly
useful with regard to your sleep window.